Fondation Amadou Hampaté Ba

Have you visited: Fondation Amadou Hampaté Ba?

The Amadou Hampaté BA Foundation was born on January 9, 2002 on the initiative of the heirs supported by intellectuals and with the assistance of the Ivorian authorities. It is directed by Rokiatou Ba, the youngest daughter of Amadou Hampâté Bâ assisted by a documentalist and a cultural missionary, she is the guardian of the temple, containing the main thoughts, publications and personal belongings of her Father scholar. There are also: the personal library of Amadou Hampâté Bâ, made up of more than 3,000 works (including some rare pieces) dear to the Patriarch, a collection of archives containing audiovisual recordings and manuscripts on themes and genres more diverse, including the correspondence that Hampâté Bâ has maintained with personalities from around the world, personal belongings that belonged to the one who was called "one of the eldest sons of the century". Inside the villa, two rooms are devoted to the exhibition of these personal objects and to the books and photos tracing the course and work of Hampâté Bâ. In the peaceful and green garden, a hut hosting storytelling sessions for visitors and groups of children, and at the back of the garden, the library and the archive room where the manuscripts of the writer are kept.

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