Discover the emblematic charm of the Phare des Mamelles in Dakar precisely in Senegal. Offering panoramic and spectacular views, this must-see attraction embodies the essence of the West African coast. Nestled in Dakar, the Phare des Mamelles captures maritime history and offers a unique experience for visitors seeking natural beauty and local culture. Explore this cultural symbol and enjoy breathtaking views from one of Senegal's most prized gems.

This attraction is good for:
  • Private tour
  • Skip the line
  • Small group
  • Large group

Best hotels around

Sunugal Hotel
Hotel Des Almadies
5.0 /5 | 1 reviews
Hotel Djoloff
King Fahd Palace

Best restaurants around

Le Jardin
Le Lagon 2
Le Farid
La galette
4.0 /5 | 1 reviews

Best activities around

Excursions en Quads au Lac Rose
Balades à Dos de Chameau
Tours en 4x4 et 8x8 au Lac Rose
Baignade au lac rose

Dakar : best attractions