Centre de la Céramique de Grand-Bassam

Have you visited: Centre de la Céramique de Grand-Bassam?

The Grand-Bassam Ceramic Center is a unique place where you can learn and create ceramic works of art. Located in a historic town in the Ivory Coast, this tourist attraction offers ceramics classes for all levels, as well as making workshops for professionals. You can also buy unique pieces in the center's boutique. Come discover the art of ceramics in an authentic and inspiring setting.

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Bassam Pizza
Jardin D'Eden
4.5 /5 | 2 reviews
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Best activities around

Visite guidée 2h - musée du costume de grand-bassam
Visite guidée 1h - musée du costume
Visite guidée express - musée du costume 30min
Visite guidée 2h - ville historique grand-bassam
4.0 /5 | 2 reviews