Bini Poro

Have you visited: Bini Poro?

Bini Poro is located 4km from Korhogo, in the village of Gnanbelegue. It's the ideal place to discover the richness and cultural authenticity of the Senoufo people. Enjoy a unique experience exploring the traditions, crafts and customs of this fascinating community. Immerse yourself in their way of life by taking part in traditional activities such as dance, music and local cuisine. Also discover their traditional art, including wood carving and hand-woven fabrics. Bini Poro offers an immersive and enriching experience for travelers seeking authenticity and cultural discovery.

Best restaurants around

Le Savanna
Restaurant Le Calao Korhogo

Best hotels around

Hôtel des Savanes Korhogo
Hôtel Eléphant
Hôtel Belle Côte Korhogo
Hôtel La Rose Blanche Korhogo

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