Le Barrage De Kossou

Have you visited: Le Barrage De Kossou?

Built in 1970 on the Bandama Blanc, the Kossou dam is the first major hydraulic structure in Côte d'Ivoire. 

A simple tool for transforming water into electricity, Kossou has now become a jewel of biodiversity at the same time a magical place. The structure created a 150-kilometre long lake, covering 1700 km2, three times the size of Lake Geneva (580 km2).

The Kossou dam has enabled the creation of large areas of irrigated agriculture (about 50,000 ha) and fishing (20,000 t of fish per year), it has affected eight sub-prefectures of Côte d'Ivoire: on the left bank, Béoumi, Bodokro, Tiébissou, Sakassou and Yamoussoukro, and on the right bank, Bouaflé, Gohitafla and Kounahiri.

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