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Haussman Hôtel & Resort

Hotels Angré Bessikoi Angré - Cocody - Abidjan Abidjan, Ivory Coast Website Contact

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Angré Bessikoi Angré - Cocody - Abidjan 07 57 87 63 17 Visit the hotel website


Hotel & Resort Haussman, located in Angré, is a hotel offering a variety of accommodation options. It offers standard rooms, luxury suites and fully furnished residences. In addition to accommodations, the establishment features an on-site restaurant for the comfort of its guests.

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Hotel Amenities

  • Restaurants

Price Level

  • Luxury


Abidjan, Angré Bessikoi Angré - Cocody - Abidjan

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Abidjan, Angré Bessikoi Angré - Cocody - Abidjan

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