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Hôtel Ice Passion

Hotels Rue des jardins 2 Plateaux - Cocody - Abidjan Abidjan, Ivory Coast Website Contact

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Rue des jardins 2 Plateaux - Cocody - Abidjan 05 06 33 23 94 Visit the hotel website


Hôtel Ice Passion is a luxury hotel complex located in Les 2 Plateaux. It offers an exceptional stay experience with superior facilities. Enjoy an on-site restaurant to savor delicious dishes, a casino to try your luck, a gym to stay in shape and a pool with esplanade to relax. The hotel's privileged location makes it easy to enjoy local attractions. Book now for an unforgettable experience during your trip.

Avez-vous séjourné au Hôtel Ice Passion ?



Hotel Amenities

  • Swimming Pool
  • Restaurants

Price Level

  • Luxury


Abidjan, Rue des jardins 2 Plateaux - Cocody - Abidjan

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Abidjan, Rue des jardins 2 Plateaux - Cocody - Abidjan

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