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La Soleillade

Hotels Rue Franklin Zone 4 - Marcory - Abidjan Abidjan, Ivory Coast Contact

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Rue Franklin Zone 4 - Marcory - Abidjan 07 68 33 52 45


"Soleillade" is a new vacation establishment launched by owner Christophe Vignes, a native of the South of France. The concept behind "La Soleillade" is to offer you a relaxing, sunbathing holiday in an idyllic setting. Located in a sunny region, La Soleillade offers comfortable, well-equipped rooms for a pleasant stay. Take advantage of the swimming pool and garden to relax and recharge your batteries. Book your stay at La Soleillade now for an unforgettable vacation.

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Hotel Amenities

  • Swimming Pool


Abidjan, Rue Franklin Zone 4 - Marcory - Abidjan

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Abidjan, Rue Franklin Zone 4 - Marcory - Abidjan

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