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Complexe Cia hotel

Hotels belfort Zigiunchor, Senegal Casamance, Senegal Send a email Contact

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belfort Zigiunchor, Senegal (+221) 33 991 92 15


it is composed of 24 rooms including 2 suites. The complex works according to ventilated and air-conditioned rooms. Our ventilated rooms are at 12,000 F per night, the air-conditioned one is at 15,000 F per night and finally the two suites are at 20,000 F per night. NB: all the rooms are ventilated and air-conditioned, it is up to the customer to make their choice. Breakfasts are not included in the rates. Come and discover the staff will give you a very warm welcome.

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Casamance, belfort Zigiunchor, Senegal

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Casamance, belfort Zigiunchor, Senegal

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