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Complexe moderne BBC

Hotels Bignona Manguiline, Bignona Casamance, Senegal

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Bignona Manguiline, Bignona


Complexe Moderne BBC is located in Bignona, Senegal. Wi-Fi is available free of charge. The hostel has rooms equipped with an air conditioner, work tables, a bathroom and a private balcony. The restaurant serves a variety of dishes on site. You can also enjoy a wide range of drinks at the bar. Dance lessons can be arranged with the hostel. The hotel has a nightclub. The BBC Modern Complex has two conference rooms that can accommodate different types of events. On-site parking is available and the premises are guarded by security personnel. The restaurant serves a variety of dishes on site. You can also enjoy a wide range of drinks at the bar.

Avez-vous séjourné au Complexe moderne BBC ?



Hotel Amenities

  • Parking
  • Restaurants
  • Bar / Lounge
  • Business Center


Casamance, Bignona Manguiline, Bignona

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Casamance, Bignona Manguiline, Bignona

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