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Novotel Orisha Cotonou

Hotels Boulevard De La Marina Cotonou, Benin

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Boulevard De La Marina


Novotel Orisha Cotonou is located in edge of sea. It lays out of air-conditioned rooms, a restaurant, two bars, of five conference rooms, a private carpark and a swimming pool. The hotel offers also services such as the wash-house, the vehicle rental and well of others.

Avez-vous séjourné au Novotel Orisha Cotonou ?



Hotel Amenities

  • Parking
  • Swimming Pool
  • Restaurants
  • Bar / Lounge
  • Business Center

Price Level

  • Luxury

Hotel Offers

  • Breakfast


Cotonou, Boulevard De La Marina

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Cotonou, Boulevard De La Marina

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Hotels in Cotonou