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Hotel Faidherbe

Hotels 19 Avenue Faidherbe, Dakar, Senegal Website Send a email Contact


The Hotel Faidherbe is at the "heart" of Dakar: airport 15 km (20 minutes), pier for "the island of Gorée" 0.6 km (3 minutes), Square of Independence 2.5 km (5 minutes), large mosque From Dakar 1.3 km (3 minutes), Grand Theater (5 minutes), African Souvenir Cathedral, Kermel Market, Sandaga Market. \not \ NT We will discover all these places from our panoramic terrace on the 6th floor!

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Hotel Amenities

  • Airport Pickup

Price Level

  • Luxury

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Dakar, 19 Avenue Faidherbe,

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Dakar, 19 Avenue Faidherbe,

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Hotels in Dakar