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Hôtel Kemaurel

Hotels Sapia en face de la station Districom Daloa Daloa, Ivory Coast Website Contact

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Sapia en face de la station Districom Daloa 27 35 99 36 76 Visit the hotel website


Hôtel Kemaurel, nestled in the charming town of Daloa, offers a comfortable and welcoming setting. Surrounded by lush greenery, the hotel also features a restaurant serving a variety of delicious dishes, and a multi-purpose hall for hosting various events. An ideal place for travelers looking for a peaceful, relaxing stay.

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Hotel Amenities

  • Restaurants

Hotel Style

  • Charming


Daloa, Sapia en face de la station Districom Daloa

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Daloa, Sapia en face de la station Districom Daloa

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Hotels in Daloa