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Golden Palace Hôtel

Hotels Boulevard Gourverneur Angoulvant Grand-Bassam - Grand Bassam, Ivory Coast Website Contact

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Boulevard Gourverneur Angoulvant Grand-Bassam - 07 07 18 64 64 Visit the hotel website


Hôtel Golden Palace in Grand-Bassam offers the ideal setting for a relaxing stay, with its lush garden and swimming pool. Take advantage of its restaurant to discover local flavors.

Avez-vous séjourné au Golden Palace Hôtel ?



Hotel Amenities

  • Swimming Pool
  • Restaurants


Grand Bassam, Boulevard Gourverneur Angoulvant Grand-Bassam -

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Grand Bassam, Boulevard Gourverneur Angoulvant Grand-Bassam -

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Hotels in Grand Bassam