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La Taverne Bassamoise

Hotels La Taverne Bassamoise B.P:154 Grand-Bassam Côte d'Ivoire Grand Bassam, Ivory Coast Website Send a email Contact

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La Taverne Bassamoise B.P:154 Grand-Bassam Côte d'Ivoire +225 21 30 10 62 Visit the hotel website


Built by the sea in the middle of a beautiful coconut grove, greenery and flowers, the hotel La Taverne Bassamoise, located in the administrative district of Grand-Bassam, welcomes you in its quiet and pleasant.

The hotel has bungalow and rooms all equipped with a bathroom, toilet TV and wifi. It has a terrace restaurant serving French dishes with African specialties. The property also has a pool where guests can relax.

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Hotel Amenities

  • Internet (Wi-fi)
  • Swimming Pool
  • Restaurants

Price Level

  • Luxury


Grand Bassam, La Taverne Bassamoise B.P:154 Grand-Bassam Côte d'Ivoire

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Grand Bassam, La Taverne Bassamoise B.P:154 Grand-Bassam Côte d'Ivoire

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Hotels in Grand Bassam