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Riad Sadaka

Hotels 34, Sidi Ahmed Soussi Derb Talmoudi Marrakech, Morocco Website Send a email Contact

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34, Sidi Ahmed Soussi Derb Talmoudi 212524391150 Visit the hotel website


Riad Sadaka ranked in 2nd category of the ‘Bed and Breakfast Houses’ and member of the ‘Marrakech Bed and Breakfast Association (AMHMS)’ \nTwo bedrooms on the ground floor have direct access to the patio. Freshness is guaranteed by ther situation. \nFour air-conditioned rooms surround the patio on the first floor. \nAll are equipped with comfortable double bed and security locker, as well as a spacious shower room with hair-dryer. \nOne of the bedrooms can accommodate 3 people, even 4 with additional bed on request. \n

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