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Diamarek Hotel Sur La Plage

Hotels Hydrobase, Saint-Louis Saint Louis, Senegal Contact

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Hydrobase, Saint-Louis (+221) 33 961 57 81


Located between the Senegal River and the ocean, on the Langue de Barbarie beach, the Diamarek hotel has 37 rooms including 8 air-conditioned bungalows equipped with television. Around its 2.5 hectare garden, the Diamarek houses a swimming pool where it offers a restaurant service with a varied menu from 11 a.m. to 10.30 p.m. the hotel organizes excursions to the city of Saint Louis, the Djoudj National Park and the Langue de Barbarie Park. A seminar room with a capacity of 400 people is available.

Avez-vous séjourné au Diamarek Hotel Sur La Plage ?



Hotel Amenities

  • Swimming Pool
  • Restaurants
  • Bar / Lounge


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Hotels in Saint Louis