Discover the Auberge le Pélican Hôtel, a haven of tranquility nestled between the Atlantic Ocean and the majestic Senegal River, ideally located near the renowned art galleries of...
Discover the Siki Hotel, a pearl nestled in an old colonial house in Saint Louis, Senegal. Enjoy spectacular views of the famous Faidherbe Bridge from this charming property. Book...
Discover the Oasis Fishing Hotel, your haven of relaxation in Saint Louis, Senegal. Ideally located just 4.1 km from the famous Jean Mermoz Museum, our establishment offers you eas...
Discover the Cap Saint Louis hotel, nestled in Saint Louis, Senegal, just 60 km from the magnificent Hydrobase beach. Enjoy an unforgettable stay in the heart of this charming city...
Sunu Keur is a guest house in Saint Louis, Senegal, located on the island of Saint Louis, which offers 8 magnificent rooms and one air-conditioned suite with balconies overlooking...
One of the best deals in Saint-Louis Le Gîtes des Grands Hommes is a very small hostel located in a quiet place where you could even feel at home. The rooms are ventilated or air-c...
Located in the fort of Dagana, Hotel Du Fort De Dagana is a splendid complex located on the banks of the river, on the former landing docks built in 1820. It has 15 comfortable ro...
Au Fil Du Fleuve is a guest house combining traditional materials and contemporary design. Restored in 2007-2010 in collaboration with an architect specializing in heritage conserv...
The Maison Rose is an exceptional historical building on the Quays of Ile St-Louis, classified for several years as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Located 200 m from the Faidherbe B...