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Le Gîte Des Grands Hommes

Inns and Camp Avenue El-Hadji Mademba Diouf à Ndiolofène, SAINT-LOUIS Saint Louis, Senegal Contact

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Avenue El-Hadji Mademba Diouf à Ndiolofène, SAINT-LOUIS


One of the best deals in Saint-Louis Le Gîtes des Grands Hommes is a very small hostel located in a quiet place where you could even feel at home. The rooms are ventilated or air-conditioned with an extra 5000 FCFA (7.64 Euro) in hot weather and are equipped with mosquito nets.

The hostel has a restaurant that serves Senegalese specialities and European dishes.   

Avez-vous séjourné au Le Gîte Des Grands Hommes ?



Hotel Amenities

  • Internet (Wi-fi)
  • Air Conditioning
  • Swimming Pool
  • Restaurants

Price Level

  • Budget


Saint Louis, Avenue El-Hadji Mademba Diouf à Ndiolofène, SAINT-LOUIS

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Saint Louis, Avenue El-Hadji Mademba Diouf à Ndiolofène, SAINT-LOUIS

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Hotels in Saint Louis