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Riad Coté Jardin

Hotels SALY Sénégal Saly, Senegal Contact

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SALY Sénégal +221 78 453 75 35


This is the hotel you have been waiting for for your stay in SALY in Senegal, a seaside resort on the edge of the ocean, the hotel in the heart of Africa, 80 km from DAKAR and 27.5 km from BLAISE DIAGNE airport. Discover the charm of a Riad, its apartments, its suites, its rooms, relax in a playful setting by the private swimming pool or enjoy the fine sandy beach a few minutes away.

Avez-vous séjourné au Riad Coté Jardin ?



Hotel Amenities

  • Airport Pickup
  • Swimming Pool


Saly, SALY Sénégal

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Saly, SALY Sénégal

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Hotels in Saly