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Royal Decameron Baobab

Hotels Village De La Somone, Somone Saly, Senegal Website Send a email Contact

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Village De La Somone, Somone 221338225934 Visit the hotel website


The Royal Decameron Baobab Resort is on a magical beach, \ n in the area of ​​Leones de Teranga, near the "Nature Reserve \ N'community of Somone ", one of the reserves where flora and fauna are the preserved in Senegal. The hotel is located in the small coast of the \ Nsomone only 20 minutes from the "Bandia Reserve"; his architecture Traditional Navicaan blends with perfection in the beauty of the entourage, to allow you to live an authentic African experience, with \ Ntoute the splendor and the dream that emanates from this continent.

Avez-vous séjourné au Royal Decameron Baobab ?



Saly, Village De La Somone, Somone

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Saly, Village De La Somone, Somone

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