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Hôtel Nahoui Balmer

Hotels Bv Houphoët Boigny San Pedro San Pedro, Ivory Coast Website Contact

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Bv Houphoët Boigny San Pedro 27 34 71 22 33 Visit the hotel website


Hotel de San Pedro offers a variety of services to meet your every need. Enjoy our on-site restaurant, relax by our pool, have fun in our playground, exercise in our gym and take advantage of our shuttle service. A stay with us guarantees comfort, convenience and an unforgettable experience.

Avez-vous séjourné au Hôtel Nahoui Balmer ?



Hotel Amenities

  • Airport Pickup
  • Swimming Pool
  • Restaurants


San Pedro, Bv Houphoët Boigny San Pedro

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San Pedro, Bv Houphoët Boigny San Pedro

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Hotels in San Pedro