Attractions Ivory Coast

Visit San Pedro

San Pedro

1 places to visit
Visit Bouaké


4 places to visit
Visit Yamoussoukro


12 places to visit
Visit Korhogo


10 places to visit
Visit Man


6 places to visit
Visit Assinie


5 places to visit
Visit Grand Bassam

Grand Bassam

11 places to visit
Visit Sassandra


6 places to visit
Visit Jacqueville


4 places to visit
Visit Adiaké


1 places to visit
Visit Azaguie


1 places to visit
Visit Bonoua


1 places to visit
Visit Dabou


1 places to visit
Visit Grand Bereby

Grand Bereby

1 places to visit
Visit Grand Lahou

Grand Lahou

4 places to visit
Visit Kong


1 places to visit
Visit Soubre


1 places to visit
Visit Tiassale


2 places to visit

74 Sigths & Landmarks in Abidjan, Ivory Coast

La Grande Mosquée Du Plateau Abidjan

La Grande Mosquée Du Plateau

Ultamée for several years now, the Mosque of the Abidjn Business Center is one of the most impossible and modern religious buildings in the country. Its capacity (9500 seats), its...

Compagnie Pathé Pathé Abidjan

Compagnie Pathé Pathé

Compagnie Pathé organizes the "Storytelling Cruise" to promote storytelling and African culture in a fun way for children. This cruise takes place every Saturday during the school...

Sebreko Rugby Club Abidjan

Sebreko Rugby Club

Sebreko Rugby Club Welcome to Sebreko Rugby Club! We're delighted to welcome you to our dynamic and exciting club. Whether you're an experienced player or a beginner, our club off...

Le Parker Place Abidjan

Le Parker Place

After Kingston and London, Abidjan is one of the world's three great reggae capitals. The Parker Place is its mythical temple, an unmissable address that has stood the test of time...

Village Ki-Yi Abidjan

Village Ki-Yi

Our training center offers courses in the fields of art, culture and literature. We offer quality training for people who are passionate about these fields and wish to develop thei...

Le Palais De La Culture Abidjan

Le Palais De La Culture

The Palais de la Culture is a venue for shows, concerts and events. It's an ideal place for travelers looking for entertainment and culture during their stay. With its varied, high...

INJS Rugby Club Abidjan

INJS Rugby Club

INJS Rugby Club The INJS Rugby Club is a dynamic and passionate sports team. It offers a stimulating environment for players of all levels, with a particular emphasis on skill dev...

Club De Pêche Côte D’Ivoire (CPCI) Abidjan

Club De Pêche Côte D’Ivoire (CPCI)

This fishermen's association brings together all the country's fishing enthusiasts. Here, we organize weekend fishing trips. Contact Mr. Apolinaire for information on our current a...

Azk Live Abidjan

Azk Live

Azk Live is a concert venue located in Cocody Blockhauss, Reggae Place.

Chute De La Nawa Abidjan

Chute De La Nawa

Located about 480 km from Abidjan, the Nawa region, backed by Taî National Park, Biosphere Reserve and Heritage of Humanity, is a forest area with diversified vegetation. \ Nhabite...

Village Lacustre De Tiagba Abidjan

Village Lacustre De Tiagba

Located in the riding of Jacqueville, the Lacustre city of Tiagba is accessible by the road between Dabou and Grand Lahou. A long track in the middle of palm and rubber plantations...

Les Mont Mafa Abidjan

Les Mont Mafa

The "Mafa" mountains are located 8 km south of Bécédi-Brignan between the village of Mafa-Mafou and Bécédi-Brignan. They are two high peaks, granite massifs that "mysteriously" occ...

La Mosquée Koudouss Abidjan

La Mosquée Koudouss

A symbol of the strong influence of Islam in the region, the Koudouss mosque is considered one of the oldest mosques in Côte d'Ivoire. It was built by one of the emblematic figures...

La Cathédrale Saint-Paul Abidjan

La Cathédrale Saint-Paul

The St. Paul Cathedral of Abidjan is the cathedral of the Archdiocese of Abidjan. It was built by the Italian architect Aldo Spirito, in Abidjan on the initiative of President Feli...

Frequently Asked Questions about sigths & landmarks in Abidjan