Attractions Ivory Coast

Visit San Pedro

San Pedro

1 places to visit
Visit Abidjan


303 places to visit
Visit Bouaké


4 places to visit
Visit Yamoussoukro


12 places to visit
Visit Korhogo


10 places to visit
Visit Man


6 places to visit
Visit Assinie


5 places to visit
Visit Sassandra


6 places to visit
Visit Jacqueville


4 places to visit
Visit Adiaké


1 places to visit
Visit Azaguie


1 places to visit
Visit Bonoua


1 places to visit
Visit Dabou


1 places to visit
Visit Grand Bereby

Grand Bereby

1 places to visit
Visit Grand Lahou

Grand Lahou

4 places to visit
Visit Kong


1 places to visit
Visit Soubre


1 places to visit
Visit Tiassale


2 places to visit

4 Sigths & Landmarks in Grand Bassam, Ivory Coast

Le Phare De Grand-Bassam Grand Bassam

Le Phare De Grand-Bassam

Located in the urban district of the Imperial in Grand-Bassam, now UNESCO heritage, the Lighthouse Grand-Bassam was built in 1 year (from 1913 to 1914) in order to replace the fixe...


Avg price / people
Le Club Des Eperons De Grand-Bassam Grand Bassam

Le Club Des Eperons De Grand-Bassam

Rides every Saturday afternoon from 3pm to 6pm in groups of 6 or 7 maximum to Grand-Bassam, Mondoukou or Modeste, with village visits. Possibility of equestrian stays in a guest ho...

Le Pont De La Victoire De Grand-Bassam Grand Bassam

Le Pont De La Victoire De Grand-Bassam

The Pont de la Victoire, also known as the Eiffel Bridge, is a historic bridge located in Grand-Bassam. It connects the France district to the Topéwo-Impérial and Ndyoflon-Petit Pa...

Le Pont De La Victoire Grand Bassam

Le Pont De La Victoire

Located on the Ouladine lagoon, connecting the Quartier-France to the city center; Victory Bridge is not just a bridge. This UNESCO heritage has a shared history with the women's m...

    Frequently Asked Questions about sigths & landmarks in Grand Bassam