Tiassalé is a city where 5 ethnic groups live in symbiosis. It was marked by the history of one of the most represented peoples in Ivory Coast, the Baoulés with the mythical Queen Pokou.
This city is steeped in history with the passage of settlers. It is rich in culture and tourist site. Two rivers Bandama and N'zi cross it. One of the oldest bridge in Ivory Coast is in Tiassalé.
A beautiful little town to discover. In one day, we will make you love its history, its culture, and its tourist attractions. Come with us!!!
Program :
Prévoir une tenue et des chaussures adaptées à la marche.
Abidjan, Cocody Angré 7e tranche café de Versailles
Découvrez la Côte d'Ivoire autrement, à travers nos différents voyages pour particuliers, entreprises, enfants et couples, etc !!!